
How it works

  1. Step 1: Connect

    Select a sign in method

    step 1
  2. Step 1a: Connect social media

    Sign in with Google, this will create a new crypto wallet and you can access your keys in your account section.

    Ignore next step if using this method

    step 1a
  3. Step 1b: Connect metamask wallet

    Please follow the instructions on https://metamask.io/ to install Metamask wallet.

    Ignore previous step if using this method

    step 1b
  4. Step 2: Drag and drop or click to upload your files

    Upload your files by either dragging and dropping them onto the designated area or by clicking the designated area to choose files from your device.

    step 2
  5. Step 2.1: Wait for your files to upload

    Wait whilst your files are uploaded to our server, we will take it from there.

    step 2.1
  6. Step 3: Files uploaded, please continue

    After the files are uploaded, agree to the terms and click "Continue".

    step 3
  7. Step 4: Name the collection and set creators fee percentage

    Enter a name for your collection and set the percentage of the sale price that will go to the creator as a fee.

    step 4
  8. Step 4.1: Continue

    Wait for the metadata to be generated.

    step 4.1
  9. Step 5: Upload the files to the IPFS

    Click "Upload" to upload the files to the IPFS.

    step 5
  10. Step 6: Await files being uploaded to IPFS

    Please wait while the files are being uploaded to the IPFS server.

    step 6
  11. Step 7: Await deployment of the smart contract

    Please wait for the smart contract to be deployed.

    step 7
  12. Step 8: Await minting of the NFT's

    Please wait for the NFTs to be minted.

    step 8
  13. Step 9: All done, you can view your new NFT's on OpenSea

    Your new NFTs have been created and can now be viewed on OpenSea.

    step 9